Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hurricane Update

As of 12:55 pm (Mountain Standard Time) we are safe and preparing for Hurricane Felix to come in. The southern part of Honduras is directly in front of the storm which should pass over tonight or early tomorrow morning.

It has just begun to rain here. Shelly, Jarrod Brown, Alli Brown, Meredith Jones and I (our missionary family) are moving to a hotel in nearby Choluteca (1 hour away) to be close to one another and closer to the capital (2 hours away). This will allow us to keep track on what is going on closer to our offices in case there is a need for a relief effort.

Everything is calm right now. No major wind, just rain. I anticipate the rain to pick up over the next few hours before tonight. The bad thing is that with a few days of rain mudslides will occur which effect those in the mountains who are extremely poor. Please pray for their safety as it is extremely difficult for them to leave.

Thank you for all your emails asking about us and we ask that you pray for this country and the people living here. This storm is bringing up bad memories of Hurricane Mitch in 1998 for many of them. We will keep you posted on this blog with what is going on as long as we have internet connection and a cell phone signal.


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