Thursday, December 21, 2006

Where are you?

We have not posted in a while because we have been in the States for Christmas and been very busy. Let me update you on what we have been doing.

I returned home on December 7th only to leave on the 8th with Shelly on an all-expense-paid cruise to the Bahamas which one of our friends generously gave us for Christmas.

We returned on the 11th and I went to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the rest of the week to help my aunt and uncle decorate the church for my cousin's , Amy Lofton, wedding. She married Sam Hartford. They are at Disneyland right now on their honeymoon and I am sure they are enjoying the Christmas spirit there.

I have been running around this week trying to get residency paperwork done and all the other things we need from the States which we cannot get in Honduras. We will be returning to Honduras on December 28th. Ben Osborne, an engineer friend of ours, will be returning with us to get right to work laying out our children's homes in the field which we will build them. He will give us his expert advice on the best places to build them. I am excited to see what he suggests. It is going to be a great place to live for those kids!

Shelly and I have had a whirlwind 2006 and look forward to God's blessings in 2007. We want to wish all of you who continue to read our blog a Very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2007! Let us continue to work together to make a difference in this world. Thank you for all your love and support of our mission. Check back with our blog after the 1st of the year to read what is happening then.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey - bummer. I think we're going to miss you guys in Nashville... We leave tomorrow afternoon, but we may try to track you down between now & then. If we don't see you, we love you and are greatly encouraged by the good work the Lord is doing through you. Merry Christmas.