Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well, I am sitting in my parents' office at their house checking my e-mail while I am waiting for some chicken to boil. I am making dinner for my sister and her husband because I have a new nephew!!! He was born Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 8:35 p.m. I am excited that I am here with my sister and her husband during this special time. Wayne, my brother-in-law, specifically aksed for poppyseed chicken for their first night back home after the baby was born.

I am also getting to know my new neice, Reagan, who was born July 26th. My nephew Nathan is growing up so quickly. I am having so much fun with my family and playing with the kids.

Chad is heading to Roatan tomorrow. I am glad he is getting to go and enjoy some time off. He really deserves it. He has worked so hard this summer with all the groups and I just really hope he enjoys himself and gets some "Chad time".

It was great to be at Berry's Chapel Sunday night for the Honduras trip presentation. Mike Hayes and Mac Hughes did a wonderful job leading the service and sharing about the things they had done on their July trip. Mac, if you are reading this, you did an outstanding job! Thank you for sharing your heart with us and most of all with the children of Honduras! You are so special.

Have a wonderful Labor Day!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Shelly, I'm so glad you're enjoying your time home so far...and getting to be there for your nephew's birth is awesome!

Had another massage today with a friend, Terri Tindall (Casa de Esperanza). Fun, fun! Thought of you...