Friday, November 17, 2006

It's not just milk. It's not just a cow.

We had a group of 11 men here this week from Indianapolis, Indiana building a school building in a nearby village from Las Palmas Ranch. They did a great job and have really helped us begin to build a relationship with those people. We have not been in the office all week so that is why we have not updated our blog until now. I did want to share the below quote from one of our school directors about the importance of milk for our school children. Our cows on Las Palmas Ranch are producing the milk for the children which many of you have helped purchase. You won't look at milk the same if you read the below.


"Milk is a powerful nutrient. And it becomes so much more powerful when it comes with all the love with which you have sent it to us.

The way in which you have decided this day to help us, is a blessing that we do not have in our homes. But this blessing is now present in our school!

Each and every day we drink a glass of fresh warm milk. Some days we have extra milk to make caramel, cheese, or cottage cheese, all foods that we could not make before at our school, and are absent in our homes.

You should know that we never want to wake from this dream of always drinking a glass of warm milk each day and sharing homemade caramel with classmates during recess! At the same time, we know there are many children in our community that have the same need for milk as we have.

The Mission Lazarus Refuge at Las Palmas does a great work and we are very thankful to God for these projects and for you for seeing using the eyes of Christ and sending us this cow, knowing as you do that this cow is not just a cow."

Karla Moncada
Director Early Childhood Development Center
San Marcos de Colon

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